In questo post cerchiamo di spiegare come identificare le e-mail TRUFFA che nascondono attività illecite come il PHISHING, create per rubare dati sensibili. Come comportarsi di fronte ad e-mail come queste?

Prima di tutto facciamo ordine!
Le e-mail truffa sono difficili da identificare perchè ci ingannano in quanto hanno l’aspetto di email reali.
Prendiamo come esempio le e-mail TRUFFA che “sembra” arrivino dalla nostra Banca!

Le regole sui monopattini elettrici

La norma di riferimento è il Decreto Legge 10 settembre 2021, convertito con modificazioni dalla legge 9 novembre 2021 n. 156.

In tale normativa il monopattino elettrico viene equiparato alla bicicletta, pertanto per essere utilizzato non richiede né la patente di guida né il patentino. Inoltre, trattandosi di un velocipede, non deve essere obbligatoriamente accompagnato da un’assicurazione sulla responsabilità civile per i danni a terzi derivanti dalla circolazione, a differenza delle automobili e dei ciclomotori, e non ha bisogno della targa. I servizi di sharing dei monopattini hanno, invece, l’obbligo di copertura assicurativa


This apparent lack of demand for such research may suggest that attention to workplace AOD abuse through these mechanisms may be declining (Roman in press). Mangione and colleagues (1999) reported a large-scale survey of drinking in a sample of corporations and identified microcultures that encourage damaging and costly on-the-job drinking and tolerance of hangovers. Clearly these drinking norms are differentially introduced into the occupational mixes found in workplaces. Ames and Delaney (1992) studied a large manufacturing plant in which on-the-job drinking and other drug use were unexpectedly prevalent.

If you already drink at low levels and continue to drink, risks for these issues appear to be low. For example, it may be used to define the risk of illness or injury based on the number of drinks a person has in a week. Drinking is deteriorating to businesses, employees and the society at large. However, this issue can be handled as alcoholism is a treatable disease. However, it is important not to stay alone with this problem and to seek help in a professional alcoholic rehab center to get better.

Physical Health Risks of After-Work Drinking

Several additional specific parallels between primary medical care and workplace-based interventions highlight problems relating to AOD abuse research and practice. First, primary care settings and workplaces are both diverse and thus are not conducive to simple data collection methods. Second, the structure and content of intervention and treatment that occur in primary medical care and in workplace settings are highly variable. Third, the extent of such intervention is voluntary for both primary care physicians and employers. Fourth, in most primary medical care settings and in most workplaces, attention to alcohol problems is not a high priority goal.

The stronger or larger your drink — in other words, the more ethanol you consume — seems to determine the risk for development of cancer, according to the ACS. The Scientific Report of the 2020 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee, released in July 2020, suggests that men and women both stick with a maximum of one drink per day. What Really Happens to Your Body When examines the head-to-toe effects of common behaviors, actions and habits in your everyday life.

Alcohol and the workplace – the hidden threat to employee wellbeing

The evidence for moderate alcohol use in healthy adults is still being studied. But good evidence shows that drinking high amounts of alcohol are clearly linked to health problems. Given that we typically spend large chunks of our adult lives working, it’s inevitable that our drinking, our mental wellbeing and our working lives are all inter-connected in some way. We know that alcohol and mental health problems can manifest in the workplace and with the rise of flexible working hours and home working due to the pandemic, managing your drinking has never been more important. Some jobs require constant business meetings with new partners which often happen not only in offices but bars, clubs, and restaurants as well. Businesspeople usually consume alcohol to create a friendly atmosphere during such negotiations, or in an attempt to make their partner relax and accept their conditions easily.

  • Those methods serve not only the interests of the employer but also those of the employees and their dependents.
  • As a result, they eventually need to drink more to notice the same effects they once did.
  • As societal views on health and wellness evolve, the landscape of after-work socializing is shifting.
  • As well as affecting our physical health, alcohol can have a big impact on our mental wellbeing.
  • However, over time, it impairs brain function and can reduce the size of the hippocampus, an area crucial for memory and learning.

In many organizations, drinking at work is even encouraged, with some companies proudly promoting their Thursday afternoon beer cart perks for recruitment purposes. Employees who may be in recovery or simply choose not to drink might feel uncomfortable in an environment where alcohol is abundant. Even worse, those same employees may feel pressured to attend such an event out of fear of repercussions, being ostracized from further events, or being viewed differently by peers. Activities such as escape rooms or themed dinners will be much more inviting and accessible to all employees. For those looking to replace their post-work cocktail, herbal teas, alcohol-free spirits, and innovative non-alcoholic beverages offer a variety of flavors and experiences.

Poteri ampliati per gli amministratori di condominio

La Riforma Cartabia, prevista dal D.Lgs. 149/2022 ha introdotto, tra le varie modifiche, alcune novità che riguardano il ruolo dell’amministratore di condominio nel procedimento di mediazione condominiale.

Sono stati ampliati i poteri dell’amministrazione di condominio il quale, a decorrere dal 30 giungo 2023, sarà legittimato ad attivare il procedimento di mediazione, ad aderirvi e a parteciparvi, senza dover ottenere preventivamente l’autorizzazione dell’assemblea condominiale: ciò ai fini di una semplificazione nello svolgimento del procedimento e di una riduzione della durata dello stesso.
